Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound:
Non-invasive assessment.
Optimal treatment

Whether you’re looking for an instant evaluation of an ongoing injury, or want an accurate assessment of how your body is healing, our 360º approach to your recovery provides the clearest possible insight.

To ensure you receive the right treatment from the start, your team may recommend Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound.

Our physiotherapy team often use this technique to create a detailed overview of your musculoskeletal system and design the optimum treatment plan, helping you recover faster. 

Ultrasound is particularly adept at guiding targeted treatments like shockwave therapy, and enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of these procedures.

How it works

Diagnostic Musculoskeletal (MSK) Ultrasound is a cutting-edge imaging technique that uses sound waves to create detailed pictures of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. 

Over the course of 10-20 minutes, this safe, painless method provides a 360º assessment of any injuries, without exposing you to radiation. It also delivers real-time images, allowing our team to act fast and quickly gain an in-depth understanding of the issue. 

Before your ultrasound scan starts, we’ll apply a water-based gel to the scanning area. Your sonographer will next pass a small probe across your skin, to capture images. 

Following your examination, our team will discuss the ultrasound scan findings with you, explain any abnormalities, and, where appropriate, make recommendations for follow-ups. We will also email you a digital copy of the results and images, for future reference. 

Benefits for your body

As part of our 360º approach, Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound can help to identify and evaluate a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including:

Shoulder: rotator cuff tears and tendinopathy, bursitis

Elbow: golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, ligament injuries, biceps injuries

Wrist and hand: carpal tunnel, tendinopathy, ligament injuries, trigger finger, osteoarthritic changes

Hip: gluteal tendinopathy, bursitis

Knee: quadriceps and patella tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, cartilage injuries, joint effusion, Baker’s cyst, ligament injuries, hamstring injuries

Foot and ankle: Achilles tendon tear and tendinopathy, ligament injuries, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma

Is Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound right for you?

While Ultrasound is highly effective, it may not be the best option for conditions affecting the face, neck, or spine, including the neck itself, ribs, sacroiliac joint, and lower back. We also don’t recommend ultrasound diagnostics for identifying unknown growths (lumps and bumps), abdominal or pelvic discomfort, hernias, or vascular issues like deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

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